" blue dusk. a blue wrapped within blue.

burnished. blazing. how and when do i begin "

Beautiful alliteration here, particularly like "blue within blue" as well.

You can really feel how the window's view kick-started your inspiration.

I seem to recall another time the window provided inspiration for you maybe?

It makes sense, from what I can recall reading you, the natural world is your biggest inspiration, and the window is kind of a threshold between us and that natural world.

I think that's something about poetry that escapes me, being able to just glean inspiration like that so suddenly from a single visual and capture the feeling it invokes.

Good thing I read poets like you to show me how it's done.

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Clancy! Comments like this make my day. Thank you for such a close reading! And noticing the alliteration. The idea about the window being a threshold is such an astute observation, thanks for that. And here's to learning from each other, because I envy your fiction skills! <3

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This is great, Anagha. I love how you share your own work, provide some context and thoughts, and humbly share some art by others. It’s very nice food for the heart. Thank you!

I especially like the image of you resting your cheek in your palm while gazing out the window! 💙

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Oh thank you Don! I'm thrilled you liked that image :)

And yes, it's important to me to contextualise my work among larger bodies of work that exist out there! On one level, the idea of authorship and origin is important to me: 'my work' vs 'their work.' But at some point it all blurs and becomes a wider collection of art and intellect that belongs to nobody and moves through us all.

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Jun 1Liked by Anagha Smrithi

So well said, Anagha.

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So lovely 💛.

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Thank you so much!!

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"at stops they call theirs!!"


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May 28Liked by Anagha Smrithi

Yes, these words hit me like a bus.

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May 29·edited May 29Author

This drove me to laughter Mike. (get it?)

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Thank you Tom <3

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Another excellent exploration and study, Anagha. Well done.

"Bus stops that they call theirs." Is a fantastic turn of phrase.

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Thank you David! So happy to hear from you.

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The poem is lovely, yes.

Today, however, I was struck most by your accompanying prose. For me, it was through your prose language that captured the feelings best evoked by the richness and depth complexity of the color blue. 💙 Thank you for today’s gift of language that so obviously, and always, comes from your heart.

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Thank you Kert! And I do put as much thought into my prose as I do into my poetry, so I'm really really glad that you noticed and enjoyed the prose! Thank you for reading <3

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May 26Liked by Anagha Smrithi

Anagha! Gorgeous… as I said, in my re-stack, a description of blue that takes your “blues” away! And sorry, Don, but I have to borrow your…💙

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I LOVE that description Sea! Thank you, thank you. It's very generous. And I'm sure Don won't mind that you borrowed the blue heart <3

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You’re welcome, and no, I don’t think Don could be mad at me, lol!

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And isn’t it amazing that the word for blue is only recent to language?

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Yes!! And feel free to fact check me on this if it isn't true, but apparently humans only gained the capacity to see the colour blue later into our evolution?

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A beautiful write x

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May 28Liked by Anagha Smrithi

Another stunner. The feeling tones you create with your poetry are otherworldly. I can't properly describe how they make me feel. I've never been anywhere near where you live, yet you draw me in with this sense of familiarity even as you describe great mystery. And all those gorgeous dualities...the impossible simultaneous truths that cannot be and yet we are faced with constantly. Just awesome and inspiring, Anagha.

Oh, and I really appreciate your discussion of how you sat down to write with intent, found the words a struggle, and then simply noticed something that opened a trapdoor of poetry. I know the experience well!!

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MIKE! This comment is a poem in itself, wow. Reading and re-reading. And THANK YOU this genuinely came at the perfect time. Just yesterday I was on call with my boyfriend and having my classic weekly indulgent crisis about how I don't feel like I'm a good enough writer, is it worth it to spend so much time on my writing, can I actually build something worthwhile out of this etc etc, blah, blah. But the way you described how you felt in this comment. I'm so moved, and so much more grounded now. Thank you so much for spending time and thought on this piece <3

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May 29Liked by Anagha Smrithi

Yes, please please keep writing. Your work is beautiful and important. You are a thoughtful, intelligent, creative, talented, AND compassionate person. It’s a rare combination. If I’m short on time and scrolling through and see one of your posts, I always save it. I never want to miss it. You might feel unworthy of this very praise. Forgive yourself for that too. I’ll promise to do the same with my doubts. We are stronger as a community of artists and readers.

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Hi I only just got a moment to respond to this, BUT I ALSO DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY. I'm really really moved, and just know it means so much to me. What a pleasure to hear from you, honestly. Thankful to be in community with people as generous and talented as you <3

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Lovely, lovely blue poem. If you like the color blue, I recommend Bluets by Maggie Nelson. A whole book about blue.

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I love Bluets! I was just telling another commenter over here that Bluets was on the edge of mind when I was writing this piece, I just completely forgot the name! And thanks for reading and leaving a comment LeeAnn, it means a lot <3

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May 27Liked by Anagha Smrithi

Really nice! I'm fascinated by liminal times and places and voices. You expressed it so well.

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Thank you so much Ted, I really really appreciate your support. Can't wait to get into the piece you tagged me in!

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May 26Liked by Anagha Smrithi

Thanks for sharing Robert! I'll have to give this a listen.

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Blue. A Good blue

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Indeed, thanks for reading Tinabeth!

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Lovely 💙. You would love Bluets by Maggie Nelson.

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Omg I DO love Bluets by Maggie Nelson! Thank you for reminding me about it Alejandra, while I was writing this piece I was like 'there is another semi poetic semi academic work about blue that I am forgetting.' Thanks for reminding me!!

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May 26Liked by Anagha Smrithi

An old soul has spoken. Wisdom from several lifetimes, the expressive skills of a master paired with writing poetry that jarred my soul. I’ll never think of “blue” as I used to. 🙏🏽

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I'm honestly not sure how to respond but I am so so moved, Gary! I've barely lived a third of a lifetime, or less, but I'm stunned that you found more wisdom than that in here. Thank you so much. And yes, here's to seeing blue differently!

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