Jun 24Liked by Anagha Smrithi

Love this poem. It very much still carries your voice, Anagha! I wonder if sometimes we just notice differences in our older work and label them deficiencies, being our own harshest critics.

I know what you mean, though. I actually really enjoy when I find an older piece and find several (or even one) ways to improve it.

I have a poem from my early days (still barely over a year old; my poetry career is young even if I am not) going out Wednesday. It’s quite raw and I decided not to touch it. It’s too much a snapshot of how I felt at the time and I can’t really bring myself to make edits from my current self. Others I have edited quite a bit!

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I think you're right! Like I was reading through this poem and itching with a desire to edit it; but there was also something fun about being able to 'catch' all the things I might want to change. And YES! Is the poem out yet? There can be something haunting about a raw snapshot; it has its own artistry.

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Yep! It’s “Hey Mike.”

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I really like this

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I'm so glad you do Juliana; it means a lot. Thanks for stopping by :)

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Jun 23Liked by Anagha Smrithi

“ imperfect” describes a lot of my music, for I am never satisfied. I enjoyed this very much! The pandemic was imperfect, and I thought you captured it well. It did seem like a long dream from which we have still yet to awaken from.

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Honestly, sometimes I feel like all my life until now is a dream I haven't awoken from. And I agree! An imperfect time calls for imperfect poetry. I'm really touched that you liked this piece <3

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Of course. Anagha, you are a piece of sunshine! ☀️

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Jun 23Liked by Anagha Smrithi

Peaceful poem, and the image describes the mood quite well.

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This is really kind, thank you.

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Thank you for reading Margaret

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Jun 23Liked by Anagha Smrithi

Thanks for sharing this poem. It reminded me of sky during the pandemic. I had a lot more time to look at the sky then.

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Atul! Thank you for reading and stopping by. And yes; there was something about the pandemic sky. I remember it vividly too.

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Jun 25Liked by Anagha Smrithi

It can be hard to think about past work evenly because what we wrote says so much about who we were. It is one of the reasons I try to keep moving (and writing) forward - it embodies hope that the best is yet to come for us.

Nevertheless, there are exceptions. Of all the poems I wrote in undergrad, there are a couple I'm truly proud of. This one, "flower pressing," is probably the best example: https://poets.org/academy-american-poets/weaver-undergraduate-poetry-award-2017

I remember how EASY it felt. Like it was light and full of air. Thinking back, I think "flower pressing" was probably a turning point for my focus as a writer and my Substack today: https://crossbite.substack.com/


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Yes! I think looking back on old work comes with looking back on who we used to be, which can be a mixed bag. Also! You've been featured in the Academy of American Poets? That's really impressive! I can see why though; it's a gorgeous poem Ethan.

'giving back its water as rebellion,

sharing itself, sharing

finally with me.'

Entirely stunning lines. It's amazing that you've been able to identify a poem that was a turning point for you. Can't wait to dive into the rest of your work. Cheers to you too!

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Thanks Anagha :) I'm a new subscriber to your 'stack and am incredibly impressed with what you've put together. Excited to see more as we go forward!

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Jun 25Liked by Anagha Smrithi

Your words are always a delight to read, Anagha.

I find it hard to like my older works. I suppose those are opportunities for growth. Here's a story I wrote two weeks ago and still like.


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Always opportunities for growth Ujjwala! Have saved your post to read later <3

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Such a beautiful poem, Anagha! It evokes a deep sense of peace.

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Thank you so much Brina!

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Jun 24Liked by Anagha Smrithi

This reminded me of a faded chalk drawing on the sidewalk. It’s really evocative.

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It's incredible that you said this; because a faded chalky texture was one of the feelings I wanted to capture, even if it wasn't an image at all in this poem. I can't believe it actually came through! I'm really moved that you picked up on it, thank you Ted.

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Jun 24Liked by Anagha Smrithi

Lovely distant dreamy imagery in this. Evocative exploration, like an impressionistic painting.

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I love the idea of a poem as impressionistic painting, thank you so much <3

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Beautiful. I’ve been trying to shorten my poetry recently, this inspires me to lengthen.

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Yes! If you do post one of the lengthened pieces, then please to tag. Thanks for being here.

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I tagged you in a small ish lengthening - not very long but not the haikus I’d been favouring recently

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I can't remember what I dreamt of last night but it is so comforting to cling to this one this morning.

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This means a lot Treasa; I'm really happy you found comfort in this piece. And thank you so so much for being generous enough to send in a donation, it really did make my day <3

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Deep violet colors capture the rain of dreams that come and leave you to wake with wonder that no umbrella was needed, nor did you toss your covers off in a sweat . Urban landscapes words worked their magic.

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Rain of dreams <3

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